目前分類:Quotes (11)

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Games, changes and fears
When will they go from here

hyderoye 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Charlie: Whoa, do not tell Mom about this nomination.

Alan: Why? It's a good thing.

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Rose (to Charlie): You need to explain to him that, if you love someone, you have to let him go. If they come back, they're yours. If they don't, then you stalk them.

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Charlie: Hey, wanna hear something amusing?

Alan: Always.

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Alan: I'm your friend.

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Charlie: What?

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Reid: That's impossible. A sexual sadist can't feel love.

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Two women sitting on the bench in a park talking, facing the camera.

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"You have learned to bury your guilt with anger."

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Leonard: Why not? I am a man and she is a woman!

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Howard: I guess time has changed since we were young. Smart is the new sexy.

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