發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2012-06-14 [my cooking] Irish Stew 愛爾蘭燉肉 (2114) (1)
2012-06-08 [教學文] 如何使用網路連結觀賞台灣沒有播放的足球賽 (30381) (0)
2012-03-18 L'Arc-en-Ciel 2012 World Tour @Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei (612) (1)
2012-02-29 [my cooking] 炸醬麵 (491) (0)
2012-02-29 [my cooking] 剝皮辣椒雞湯 (5728) (1)
2011-10-09 [my cooking] 培根金針菇捲佐味噌照燒醬 + 辣味烤雞柳 (1540) (0)
2011-08-31 [涼拌] 雞絲拉皮 (2617) (0)
2011-07-19 2011 怡佳Family Sale入手清單 (3287) (3)
2011-01-18 [slow cooker] 羅宋湯 Borscht (1450) (1)
2011-01-13 [slow cooker] 清燉牛腩湯 (2762) (0)
2011-01-12 [slow cooker] 蒜頭瓜仔雞湯之一湯三吃(湯、湯麵、雜炊) (5960) (0)
2010-04-29 [食記] 嘉義火雞肉飯 @桃園大廟後 (20100512新增) (8103) (6)
2010-03-23 [practice] 春天活力妝之Clinique e/s #fresh picked berry + MAC blush #Bi-tone (2349) (3)
2010-02-18 [my cooking] 味噌鯛魚烏龍麵 (3120) (2)
2010-02-10 生根 (102) (0)
2010-01-27 牢騷 (151) (2)
2010-01-25 [my cooking] 辣味牛肉菇菇蕃茄蝴蝶麵 (608) (1)
2010-01-23 [my cooking] Stuffed Peppers 鑲甜椒 -- "Café World" 菜單實作練習No.1 (420) (2)
2010-01-23 [my cooking] 烤蘑菇 -- 簡單美味的宴客小點/前菜 (2996) (1)
2009-12-21 Clinique Perfectly Real radiant skin compact makeup 倩碧真我柔光粉餅 (2428) (1)
2009-08-30 [quote] I Try by Macy Gray (174) (0)
2009-08-25 [quote] Two and a Half Men S3 E17 part 2 (738) (0)
2009-08-25 [quote] Two and a Half Men S3 E17 (123) (0)
2009-08-22 [quote] Two and a Half Man S3 E14 (100) (0)
2009-08-22 [quote] Two and a Half Men S3 Exx (82) (0)
2009-08-22 [quote] Two and A Half Men S2 E23 (78) (0)
2009-08-22 [quote] Criminal Minds S2 E13 (84) (0)
2009-08-22 [quote] He's Just Not That into You (136) (0)
2009-07-05 [practice] Lunasol 2009 夏季限定色 #Summer White Gradation 雞蛋花 + MAC Colour Craft blush #Hand-Finish (3114) (2)
2009-07-02 [practice] MAC Colour Craft e/s #Eccentricity 夏天也適用的紫+金 (1875) (2)
2009-05-26 [practice] Lunasol 2007 夏日限定色 EX02 + 灰色變色片 (2767) (0)
2009-04-28 [practice] 一點都不貓的粉紅*黑藍貓眼妝 (2436) (1)
2009-01-25 MAC Mineralize Skinfinish #Blonde (1993) (1)
2009-01-14 [quote] Batman Begins (183) (0)
2009-01-14 [quote] The Big Bang Theory S1E1 (199) (0)
2009-01-14 [quote] The Big Bang Theory S1E12 (86) (0)
2008-12-22 [practice] 2008 耶誕趴~紫醉金迷妖氣滿滿勾魂眼XD (2174) (0)
2008-11-30 2008年度十大彩妝(乾肌適用) (1383) (0)
2008-11-25 Jill Stuart 顏彩盤 #104 Hot Cherry+ 精巧唇彩盤 #102 Sparkling Pink (2187) (2)
2008-11-25 MAC pigments #Anitique Green、Gilded Green、Quick Frost (1023) (0)
2008-11-23 Lunasol 2008 Xmas 月光淨化EX04 + 頰紅EX01 (3391) (2)
2008-11-05 KP 07春季限定眼影 + Dior搶眼亮彩撲 + Bourjois濃睫展線睫毛膏 (1899) (0)
2008-09-20 MAC e/s #Hot Contrast + blush #Dainty (1999) (0)
2008-09-16 MAC e/s #Pink Split + Nars blush #Oasis (2422) (0)
2008-09-15 Clinique 潤澤保濕乳粉底 (2628) (1)
2008-09-12 MAC e/s #Odd Couple + blush #Gentle (2793) (2)
2008-09-02 [Cissy] Day 27 -- 本週睡姿XDDD (486) (1)
2008-08-26 [Cissy] Day 21 -- 目測已膨脹為兩倍大Orz (508) (1)
2008-08-25 [murmur] 25 Aout 2008 -- 休息一週^///^ (126) (0)
2008-08-21 MAC e/s #Polar Opposite + blush #Love Thing (1378) (0)
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